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Joan Palmore Farver

6/6/1932 - 11/27/2022


Obituary For Joan Palmore Farver

“Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” - Proverbs 22:6

The word ‘vocation’ comes from the Latin ‘vocare’ which means to call. God calls us to a particular vocation. We each make a decision about our vocation, but our decision should be in response to an invitation from God. Joan Palmore Farver answered her invitation from God and spent her life teaching children, happy with her vocation.

Joan was born on June 6, 1932. Alex Palmore, Sr, and Pearl Lloyd Palmore raised her to love God. At an early age, Joan joined the Mt. Canaan Baptist Church in Trenton, South Carolina.


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